Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Texas Fight, #SB5

Our whole family was out in support of Wendy Davis, and the other hard working democrate Senators at the Capitol building.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Kiln night!

Eric (nextdoor) is a potter and has built a wood fired down draught kiln in their backyard. On Thursday morning he fired it. We visited in the morning, before dinner and again before bed. Here is Zachary all relaxed, watching the logs burn in his PJs. He (and I) were totally fascinated by the process.


With the glow of the kiln and the flames shooting out the chimney, and an almost full moon it was really quite spectacular.


One of the wonderful things was the kiln was so hot it actually made the Texas evening air feel less than the 90F it was.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Barton Springs

Zachary and I had a great Fathers day. We ran a bunch of errands and then cooled off at Barton Springs pool. A weird swimming pool, river hybrid, but it works out well. Z and I saw a couple of ten inch and one 16 inch fish down in the depths of the clear cool water. Completely changing the subject, after dinner tonight. Z said out of the blue "lets surprise Mum when she gets home. Lets tidy up the house really good and we'll be nice to each other. won't that be a great surprise" why yes, it would be amazing.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Best finds - rock pooling

DSC_0201 by m0nk3yphd
DSC_0201, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

Crab, Prawn, two Fish, Sand Eel, Starfish, Hermit Crab

Lamorna harbor wall

DSC_0252 by m0nk3yphd
DSC_0252, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

In the Pink forest

DSC_0557 by m0nk3yphd
DSC_0557, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

We return after a successful trip to England.
So many stories and no way to upload photos from the ipad. But now all the pics are up, Aswell JMI and the springs, Helen and Ross, Tim and Lucia, Cousin Peter, Penzance with Granny and Grandpa, rock pooling ( a theme through out our trip), Lands End, Paradise Park, Lamorna (because he loves the song), and culminating in the Sims wedding. What fun.