Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Ok. Maybe she's just a baby.

Actually, she is a genius because she GOES TO SLEEP WHEN SHE'S TIRED. I do not have a video of that. Sorry. I might, because it is magical to watch and usually involves like 10 seconds of a little fuss and then sleep. We'll have to enshrine in on the internet because we find it fascinating.

This post is totally not about that.

Some friends gave us this toy that looks like a baby torture device but is actually a toy that Miriam *loves*.  She still isn't wildly certain about using her hands, but she can usually get her groove on enough to make it spin and rattle.

Did I mention we're pretty easily entertained? I blame the sleep deprivation.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


We are getting smiles, all over the place. Mark had her in the giggles here. It is so much fun as she started to really interact.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Quality Play time

DSC_0067 by m0nk3yphd
DSC_0067, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

Another Bad weather - no school day.
Miriam and Z played for 30 minutes. No fussing, just lots of "round and round the garden" and "this little piggie" and ""rain, rain, rain, raptor".

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Miriam on a new quilt

DSC_0057 by m0nk3yphd
DSC_0057, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

just for those who need a baby pic fix.

ice storm austin

DSC_0048 by m0nk3yphd
DSC_0048, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

Zachary ate a bunch of icicles. He was fascinated. And the crunchy cold allowed him to really get the wobble on a front tooth that has been loose for ages.
Four days later and now it's shorts weather!

Author and Publisher

title page by m0nk3yphd
title page, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

Fruits Book 1/31/14 Friday Zacharys
pages 1 and 2 by m0nk3yphd
pages 1 and 2, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.
What do you see? I see a Cherry 1 What do you see? I see a Banana 2
pages 3 and 4 by m0nk3yphd
pages 3 and 4, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

What do you see? I see a Strawberry 3 What do you see? I see a Strawberrys and Blueberrys 4
pages 5 and 6 by m0nk3yphd
pages 5 and 6, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

What do you see? I see a Apples 5 What do you see? I see a Waters (Watermelons but ran out of space) 6
the end by m0nk3yphd
the end, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

The End 6