Saturday, February 1, 2014

Author and Publisher

title page by m0nk3yphd
title page, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

Fruits Book 1/31/14 Friday Zacharys
pages 1 and 2 by m0nk3yphd
pages 1 and 2, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.
What do you see? I see a Cherry 1 What do you see? I see a Banana 2
pages 3 and 4 by m0nk3yphd
pages 3 and 4, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

What do you see? I see a Strawberry 3 What do you see? I see a Strawberrys and Blueberrys 4
pages 5 and 6 by m0nk3yphd
pages 5 and 6, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

What do you see? I see a Apples 5 What do you see? I see a Waters (Watermelons but ran out of space) 6
the end by m0nk3yphd
the end, a photo by m0nk3yphd on Flickr.

The End 6

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